Monday, April 25, 2016

Books About Books - Part One

Finding something to read is not usually a difficult task.  I can walk through a book store or the library and come away with a back breaking haul.  Scrolling through blogs or Facebook yields pages of titles for my TBR stack.  With that in mind, why would I want to consult books about books?  

That's easy, I might miss something.  In one of my field trips through Barnes and Noble, I came across two interesting books:  Book Lust by Nancy Pearl and the follow up More Book Lust.  The titles alone were worthy of my attention - books and lust!

First and foremost, Nancy Pearl is a reader.  Next, she is a librarian.  She comes by her knowledge of books quite honestly.  According to the back cover blurb Pearl also had a weekly program on a Seattle NPR affiliate and she has published several reviews in various magazines.

The books are arranged into lists of books categorized by theme, setting, mood, author or any number of other classifications.  Once I accepted a challenge to read books that represented each state in the US.  The Book Lust books were the first places I turned to get ideas  In More Book Lust there are sections:  Florida Fiction, The Great Plains, Idaho: And Nary a Potato to Be Seen, and New England Novels to name a few.  Thanks to these books I was well into the challenge.

Both of my books are dogeared, highlighted, and bookmarked.  There are post-it notes on almost every page.  Periodically, I will choose a list and read two or three of the suggestions.  I think my compulsion is to complete each category.

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