Saturday, April 9, 2016

A Daily Creativity Journal 365 by Noah Scalin

I am taking the challenge. I bought this book A Daily Creativity Journal by Noah Scalin.  Scalin invites us to join him in a creativity marathon over the next year.  Choose a medium or a theme and do SOMETHING with it every day for the next 365 days.  Wow! that is a marathon and it is a scary one at that.  I can't do anything consistently for a year, can I?  Well, I do read every day.

That's it.  My theme will be books.  That is simple enough.  I will look at books every day.  Cinch!  But wait a minute, "Share Your Work!"  I think that is a bit much.  I've committed to looking at books but now I have to share.  What does that mean - share?  I need to read further.

Good!  Included in the book are some online sharing tools:  blogging, facebook, twitter, etc.  These are handy and accessible ways to document my work.  I can post pictures of books.  That's settled.  I can do that, but where's the creativity in posting 365 pictures of books?  Oh, I get it.  I need to do something or say something about the books.  That's where the creativity comes in.  Now there's the challenge.  Luckily, there are 365 prompts and projects suggested to get me started.  I'm feeling better about all this now.  All I have to do is follow along.  I'm not the kind of person who always colors in the lines and I don't always use the logical colors.  Ah ha! that's creativity.  

Well now I think I am ready to get started.  

Day 1:  "The first step is the hardest, so start small today and make something that fits in the palm of your hand using only the materials in your immediate environment." (29)

I "heart" books.

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